Monday 16 December 2019

Weekly Update: December 8-15

Weekly word count: 1500

Not the most promising start but I've been sick along with my kids.  It's been a week of cuddles, sickie soup (chicken noodle), and watching movies on Disney Plus.

Last week's reading was the King of Wands (leadership), seven of coins (persistance), and the ace of wands (a new project).  I can't say I started any new projects, and a week of TV watching isn't exactly persisting in my chosen career, but I took care of myself and my family, which is good enough for me.

This week's reading is less optimistic.  They were all reversed cards, which is usually a warning.  The five of swords reversed, which is humiliation, the king of coins reversed (apathy), and the Hierophant reversed (rigidity).  On first glance, it looks like a warning against getting stuck in a rut.

When I lose momentum with writing, it gets hard to get it back, especially with a major disruption like the holidays coming up.  I'll have to make sure I take some proper time to get myself back on track.

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