Monday 23 December 2019

Weekly Update: December 15-21

Weekly word count: 3521

It was a sad week for me this week.  I lost my grande dame matriarch kitty, Ceili.  At 18-19 years old (we weren't quite sure since she came to us as a stray), she had a good life.  She was with me before I had children, the first pet we got jointly as a couple.  She was always determined and dignified.  I'm going to miss her.

Writing wise, I needed a little jump start to my story, so I set myself some short goals and then got to play with some Mandalorian fan-fiction.  (Damaged past, hidden face, single dad, kick-ass nobility of soul... of course that was going to be a fan-fiction playground for me.)  It's worked to get the words flowing again, which makes me happy.

Last week's Tarot reading wasn't encouraging: the six of staffs reversed (humiliation), knight of coins reversed (apathy), and the Hierophant reversed (too rigid).  It certainly has been hard to keep myself going.  I'm feeling drained and I get easily exhausted.  But rather than pushing myself past the point of recovering and beating myself up for not accomplishing more, I've been gentle with myself.

This week's reading is a little more promising.  For the past, the ten of staffs, which is all about recognizing limits.  I've certainly spent the past week being very aware of what I can and can't do.  For the present, the Judgment card, reversed, which promises unexpected consequences for past decisions.  And for the future, the Page of staffs, which promises quick action and daring vitality.  Sounds like the holidays will bring some challenges that will require fast reactions.

I'm taking this week off social media (part of recognizing my limits).  I hope everyone has a good holiday and looking forward to getting started again in the new year!

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