Monday 30 September 2019

Weekly Update: September 22-28

Weekly word count: 3 620

I've been splitting my efforts between writing on Until Proven Guilty and getting Division ready for developmental edits.  It's not quite as productive as I would have hoped, but I'm still pleased with my progress.

It's getting into the final countdown to prepare for my writing retreat at the end of October.  I'll have to decide which project to spend my time on.  I've learned the hard way that I don't do well if I try to do two projects at once.  I need to concentrate and focus if I want to make significant progress.

But no matter what I choose, I'm looking forward to spending some time with some wonderful authors in a lovely beach house without the usual distraction of my responsibilities to my day job and family.  I get to be a full time author, so I get a week of living my dream.

The deadline for edits on Division is December 1st.  Once I've got the full editing schedule, I'll get pre-orders set up.

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