Monday 1 January 2018

Weekly Update: December 24 to 30

Weekly word count: 5000

And two thirds of the way through my edit for Judgment.  Not bad for a holiday week.

I'm back to work at my day-job next week, plus dealing with kids who are out of school, so I'm making an adjustment for my goals.  I still want to do 2-3 chapters a day for editing, but I'm setting a goal of 3000 words for the week.

I've been doing a lot of thought about my writing goals for 2018 and I think I've got a good plan.  While I'm in the editing process, which will be from now until at least mid-April, I'm setting a goal of 4000 words per week.  Once Judgment is released, then I'm going to double that goal to 8000 words per week.

I'm putting up a new chart to track my progress on Deadly Potential with the goal of having the manuscript ready for RWA 2018 which is in mid-July.

I've got nine more days to get Judgment ready for the content edit.  Once it's off, then it will be time to do the work for getting the first three books out on wide distribution.  I should have two to three weeks while the manuscript is being read.  Hopefully that will be enough.

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