Monday 9 July 2018

Weekly Update: July 2 to 7 -- It's Done!

Weekly word count: 13 852

And more importantly <drumroll>.... the manuscript for Deadly Potential is done!

I would happy dance but I'm exhausted.  It has been a real marathon but it is done and a whole week before the RWA deadline!

It's not perfect.  It could use some tweaking for balancing description and action but if someone wanted to see it today (like say, an agent or editor), I could show it to them.

That is a very good feeling to have.

As promised, I'm going to give myself a bit of a break before jumping back on the writing train.  I'll still be posting blog entries but there are a number of places in my life that have been given a lick and a promise and now deserve some of my proper attention.  So I'm going to spend some time catching up with those.  And having a great time at RWA and then Romancing the Capital.  (And enjoying the summer with my kids.)

I don't think I'll be able to stay away from the keyboard for too long.  My stories are my outlet that keeps me going in life and they're always bubbling away in my head, demanding to get out.  So pretty soon I'll start announcing word counts and goals again.

But for now, I'm savouring the sweetness of "And they lived happily ever after.  The End."

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