Monday 1 June 2015

Weekly Update: May 23 to 30 (Birthday/Book Celebration Pictures)

Weekly word count: 4050

I didn't quite get all the time I would have liked for writing but when I was able to get to the keyboard, the words just flowed.  After a few weeks of dry thought-beds, it was a welcome change.

The big highlight of the week was my birthday party/book celebration party.  In the spirit of brag, I celebrated the fact that I am doing the work to make my dream come true.  My friend, Erin, did all of the decorations and food, which was wonderful because I am also going a little crazy with end of the school year and preparing for Prose in the Park and ORWA's 30th.

She made me my favourite: peach cobbler, as well as a bunch of themed foods based on Revelations.  She also got beautiful arm length gloves and feather boas to decorate the tables.

The piece de resistance was the heart and bear-shaped watermelon slices.

 But as you all can see, there was plenty of selection.  Donuts in honour of Joe, gummi snakes for the Huntress, red peppers to spice it up.
She even found a bear for Bernie.

I got to sign books for my friends and family.  And show off my giant poster that I got done of Revelations' cover and my buttons.

It was a great night full of karaoke and dancing, which I will not be showing pictures of because I prefer to bask in my delusional memories of being fabulous rather than explore photographic or video evidence.  Everyone had a lot of fun being sassy and silly and I'm so glad we all got a chance to get together.  It finished like every party should, with sore-footed people grinning like madmen.

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