Monday 2 March 2020

Weekly Update: February 23 to 29

Weekly word count: 1103
Editing countdown: first pass complete, 15 of 48 chapters done with second pass

If I can keep up this pace for editing, I'll have Division ready before my deadline.

It's been a tiring week.  Perhaps last week's Tarot draw was more of a warning about needing to take a break than a caution about the dangers of escapism.  I didn't push myself but I'm still proud of what I accomplished.

The RWA candidates have declared and I'm pleased to see lots of strong voices in support of diversity running.  There are a few candidates that I'm worried about, since they've been dismissive or have a habit of tone-policing.  But the vast majority seem eager to make RWA into the supportive organization it always should have been.  Fingers crossed that this puts us firmly on the right track.  Voting begins in two weeks and then we'll see what we have.

This week's Tarot draw was a new message.  I drew the Nine of Swords, reversed, for the past which traditionally signifies depression (not a big surprise for me since I've struggled with it all my life).  For the present, I drew The Hanged Man, reversed, which suggests a major change to a long-standing situation.  For the future, it was the Four of Coins, reversed, which usually indicates money trouble.

I should be getting my first royalty statement from Soul Mate Publishing soon.  It'll be the first time I'll be dependent on a publisher to receive payment, so that's a change to a long-standing situation.  Hopefully it won't spark money troubles.  Of course, I'm often wrong when I try to guess what the readings mean in advance.  Still, I think it's part of the fun of doing readings.  It's an opportunity to stretch my speculative and imaginative talents.

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