Monday 7 October 2019

Weekly Update: Sept 29 to Oct 5

Weekly word count: 5764

Things are coming together for my writing process, which is a nice feeling.  The story for Until Proven Guilty is coming into focus.

The beginning of a project is both intimidating and intoxicating for me.  I'm like a kid in a candy store.  There are so many stories I could weave into my central idea.  Do I want to have a There's Only One Bed moment?  Or maybe a Friends To Lovers?  Or Opposites Attract?  Do I want to include references to overcoming abuse?  Learning to trust one's own instincts?  A control freak who discovers the world really does go to hell when she steps back?

Stories don't start off as fully formed narratives.  I try things out, see what resonates with the characters and what doesn't.  As I write, I get to know my characters.  For example, I knew my heroine, Samantha Adler, would have something in her past which would drive her to be precise and logical.  Something would have happened that drove her to learn to read tiny cues and microexpressions to know what secrets people held.

But what was it?

An overcontrolling, perfectionist parent?  An abusive school administration?  A tragic event she thinks she should have been able to prevent?

Finding out is part of the reason why I love writing.  These fictional people may come from inside my head but they become very real to me.  I care deeply about them and the journey they go through.  And I'm just as excited as my readers to find out what happens.

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