Monday 28 October 2019

Weekly Update: October 20-26

Weekly word count: 1571 and up to chapter 14 on editing for Division

I've mentioned before that I find release day to be exhausting.  Exciting but exhausting.  Having a new book come out is a lot of work and work that doesn't come naturally to an introvert such as myself.  Writing books, I can do.  Promoting books is a lot harder.

I'm also having to come to terms with the fact that it's taking me longer and longer to recover from events.  I really enjoyed Can-Con, but I'm still working on regaining my energy and attention.

Luckily, I have the perfect break coming up.  One more week and then I'll be enjoying myself on a beach with a bunch of other amazing writers.  It's exactly what I need.

Meanwhile, I'm really encouraged to see the early sales numbers from Deadly Potential.  A lot of readers are taking a chance on it and I hope they'll find it was worth the gamble.

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