Sunday 14 April 2019

Weekly Update: April 7 to 13

This week, no writing done.  My day job blew up in my face and needed extra hours.

There's been a very interesting (though somewhat discouraging) conversation going on on the Published Author Network chatloop for RWA.  Authors are being honest about the difficulties they're having making a living from their writing.  People with 10, 20, 30 books and over a decade of experience with traditional publishers, small press and indie publishing are sharing that their income doesn't exceed their expenses, let alone give them enough income to let them support themselves.

A number of authors are going back to day jobs, or quitting writing altogether.

No one agrees on what the causes are, people are buying fewer books overall, a glut of free or cheap low quality books, problems with scammers taking over popular platforms, a combination of all or something unknown.

It's been hard to hear as well as providing some comfort to know that far more experienced authors are in the same boat that I am.  But it means there will be some hard choices on the horizon for me.  I may have to concentrate on the small press contracts that I've received in order to build up readership and then come back to my independent series later.  But I really want to finish Division and get it out there.

No decisions yet.  But even if I do end up having to delay book 6, it doesn't mean indefinitely.  Meanwhile, I am very excited about the book I'm releasing for Soul Mate and can't wait to share that one with all of you.

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