Monday 10 June 2019

Writing Update: June 2-8

Weekly word count: 3456 

A difficult week but still plugging away.  The highlight was the ORWA social.  It's always great to hang out with everyone and giggle and swap stories.  I got some good advice on a challenge I've been having and a new author photo (We hired a professional photographer to come and do pictures for us, which worked out really nicely because we were able to split the costs.)

These are the kind of little things that make all the difference in an otherwise solitary career.  And it's why I suggest finding a writing group, either in person or online.  It makes such a difference when you can talk to other people who are in the same situations (or have been in the same situations) as you.

Only a few weeks left before the kids are home for the summer.  This school year has flown by and I'm feeling as if I've not done as much as I should have.  And yet, I have to remember to be gentle with myself and not drag myself down further with "I should have..."

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