Monday 8 January 2018

Weekly Update: December 31 to Jan 6

Weekly word count: 0

Editing countdown: 38 of 45 chapters

It's not hard to see the lack of writing progress this week, but that's what happens when I decide to rip out the back third of Judgment with a week to go before my editing deadline.  I've been working frantically to get it all back together.  I've probably written close to 12 000 words this week, but not on Deadly Potential, so the official count for this week is still 0.

I had a great ORWA meeting this weekend.  It was an informal brainstorming and plotting session and I got some good feedback on my plot ideas for Deadly Potential as well as helping me to firm up my main plot for book 5 of the lalassu.  (Still need a title, but now that I have a firmer grasp on what the story will be about, I can work on that.)

I can't wait to get the manuscript for Judgment off to the editor next week so that I can start more work on Deadly Potential.  And start the steps for broad distribution.  I'm feeling pretty excited about both.

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