Monday 22 May 2017

Weekly Update: May 14 to 20

Weekly word count: 2200

I've gotten the okay from my doctor, so next week I'll be heading back to my day job.  It's been nice having the time to de-stress (particularly since we got hit with a couple of school related crises for my son) but it will also be nice to start having a regular paycheque again.

Writing continues to be slow for me these days but it's picking back up.  I'm still not going to impose minimum word goals on myself.  Instead I will allow myself the flexibility to listen to my mind and my body about what I need.  Unless they try to convince me that I need to binge-watch Netflix.  

There's a part of me which worries about taking it slow.  Will I be able to get Judgment out in time for a February/March release next year?  Will I be able to work on my other manuscript and get it done in time to pitch to an agent for July 2018?  And I have to remind myself that the answer to those questions is: I don't know.  But if I can't, then that is still okay.  It is better than burning myself up and risking not being able to do anything.

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