Monday 22 June 2015

Weekly Update: June 14 to 20

Weekly word count: 5150

I am definitely getting within sight of the end of Metamorphosis.  My outline has another 4 chapters (though it may split into 5).  I've been averaging a chapter a week, so that puts me another month from having a finished draft.  Then will come my final revision to make everything consistent, get rid of overused words and deepen my point of view.  Not quite the ready for beta readers by July 1st which I was hoping for, but still not bad.

Once I have my final revision done, then I will send it off to my beta readers and schedule my editing stuff with Red Adept Editing.  I'll also contact Streetlight Graphics again to get the cover designed.  Last time the editing process took 5 months, with a six week wait to get started.  I'm hoping the timing will be similar.

While I'm in my downtime, I will start work on the sequel.  (I've already done a few character sketches and trial scenelets.)  I will also work on the sequel to my ghost hunter short story.  That should certainly keep me busy through the summer and the editing process.  I'm going to try and mix writing with editing this time, rather than focusing solely on the editing.  I want to try and keep my writing momentum going.

I'm also going to try and push myself to write 2000 words a session, rather than 1000, over the summer.  Since I have fewer writing sessions, I need to make them more productive.  I'm still aiming at a minimum of 4000 words per week.

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