Monday 17 June 2019

Weekly Update: June 9 to 15

What do you get when you take a 1000 word per day goal and divide it by a low grade fever?  Unfortunately, the math works out to not a lot of words.

That's right.  Biology won this week, as I dealt with a household full of sick people, including myself.  

I don't often get sick (something for which I'm grateful) but this time it has really knocked me down.  It's been hard to accept that I don't have the mental or physical energy to do much of anything.  Even watching a movie proved to be more of an intellectual challenge than I was up for.

I'm slowly on the path to recovery.  (And yes, I did go see the doctor and unfortunately, this is one of those the-body-has-to-fix-it-themselves scenarios.)  Hopefully I'll have more progress to report next week.

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